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Lambeth's Air Quality Action Plan



You can have your say on how Lambeth improves air quality. 

Air pollution is a serious health risk to us all but often affects some of us more than others - children, older people and those with existing heart and lung conditions.

By sharing your views on Lambeth’s Air Quality Action Plan we can work together to  tackle air pollution fairly and effectively.

Air pollution is the presence of  pollutants in the air that have harmful effects on humans. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM) are among the most dangerous to our health.

Lambeth Council has put together an Air Quality Action Plan that sets out the steps we will take to reduce air pollution in the borough. Here’s what’s included:

  • A commitment to pursuing, ambitious long term air quality targets.
  • Support for most at-risk groups: the young, the elderly, those with a pre-existing health condition, and residents in the most polluted areas. 

There are air quality policy areas that are outside of our influence and so we will continue to work with regional and central government on policies and issues beyond Lambeth’s influence.

As part of our response to air pollution in Lambeth, we will be setting up an Air Quality Forum to allow residents to continue to have their say on the work we are doing to improve air quality in the borough. 

Lambeth's Air Quality Action Plan 2023-25

London Borough of Lambeth Air Quality Action Plan 2023-25.pdf
London Borough of Lambeth Air Quality Action Plan 2023-25.pdf

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