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Clean Air Lambeth

Reducing pollution from transport contributions

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almost 2 years ago


Are the actions sufficient to reduce air pollution from transport?


What further steps are needed?

With your LTN scheme the only thing you have done is creating and concentrating a higher level of pollution on the main roads, I am living 100 yards away from the south circular and the pollution is very notorious on my white curtains. You mentioned that this is in place to reduce air pollution around the neighbourhood and schools when in reality you are killing us slowly with the excess of fumes coming out of cars standing still in grid locks thanks to side roads being closed to cut through and let the traffic flow more efficiently. I am working in Charlton, a car journey long before it used to take me ½ hour, now in my way back it takes me 1 hour and 10 minutes the least. Like me, thousands of people have been affected and I think that the best thing to do is starting to claim benefits and giving up working.

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Mostly negative

almost 2 years ago


Are the actions sufficient to reduce air pollution from transport?


What further steps are needed?

Pollution is not limited to vehicles powered by fossil fuels but while that is the majority action needs to be taken to enforce against engine idling. Whether it's to run air con in the summer, heating in the winter or just for charging a 'phone too many drivers (particularly van and taxi drivers) idle their engines. We need council employees charged with seeking these polluters out, fining them (big fines not the £20) on the spot or pursuing legal action like a parking / ANPR infringement. Pollution from electric vehicles will come from tyres - what are the plans to counter that. The size of vehicles - physical + engine - should also comes with city-friendly restrictions. Be harder. Be tougher. And this comes from a car driver.

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almost 2 years ago


Are the actions sufficient to reduce air pollution from transport?


What further steps are needed?

It’s really good news that Lambeth is making such huge efforts with its Clean Air project and its Carbon Net Zero targets and engaging with people living on the front line of the impact. Some really simple changes can make such a difference. We for instance in St Leonard’s ward have a large private secondary school which was required five years ago by a planning condition, as part of an expansion program, to significantly reduce the amount of car commuting visitors to its site. There’s a Sustainable Travel Plan with clear targets, but sadly this hasn’t been monitored by Lambeth and alerts from local residents have been ignored. Consequently, after 5 years, there are now more than double the number of cars (80+) per the targets set in the Travel Plan. Using the well-established benchmark of “an idling car creates up to 150 balloons of harmful fumes each minute”, and with some students commuting from over 4 miles away, that equates to 18,000 balloons per school day (4 journeys). On an annualised basis, a single car’s pollution would fill more than 3 Jumbo Jets or 1½ Olympic-sized swimming pools. And there are 50+ unnecessary daily student commuters to the school. That’s an awful lot of unnecessary, poisonous Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). And of course driving students to school is self-defeating, as “Pollutant levels are often higher inside vehicles because cars take in emissions from surrounding vehicles and recirculate them.” In this case, simply enforcing the planning condition as originally set could remove 50+ car commuting journeys at drop-off and pick up across Lambeth every school day. We are very happy to provide further details if anyone is interested in seizing this quick win.

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almost 2 years ago


Are the actions sufficient to reduce air pollution from transport?


What further steps are needed?

Brixton Hill is an absolute disaster with loads of diesel buses and loud motorcycles driving up and down this street. No proper cycle lanes in this road either.

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Mostly positive

almost 2 years ago


Are the actions sufficient to reduce air pollution from transport?


What further steps are needed?

I love the LTN’s but do not think there are enough yet for me to be able to make all my journeys locally, safely by either walking or bike. I d really like to see Lambeth working with other boroughs to tackle drive through traffic - especially near green spaces. It’d be really great if Lambeth could start to plan with Southwark and Wandsworth - especially to reduce traffic on Bedford Hill for example and Loughborough Junction / croxted / rosendale road.

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