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Clean Air Lambeth

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Lambeth adopts Air Quality Action Plan

Lambeth Council has outlined how it will improve air quality and protect those most at risk from the effects of pollution and toxic air.

The Air Quality Action Plan 2023-2025 (AQAP)sets out how it will combat the main sources of pollution in Lambeth, including emissions released from roads, buildings, and construction sites.

It will enable the council to work closely with residents, businesses, and major institutions by supporting the launch of the Air Quality Forum to ensure air quality targets are met.

Air quality has been improving across Lambeth in recent years but pollution remains at dangerous levels in parts of the borough. The action planwill target these areas to reduce emissions at their source.

Cllr Rezina Chowdhury, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air, said: “Air pollution is one of the most significant public health challenges that we face in Lambeth.

“Poor air quality affects us all, but air pollution has the greatest impact on the older members of our community, the young and those of us living with heart and respiratory conditions. It is vital we take decisive action to protect residents and potentially save lives.”

The previous Air Quality Action Plan 2017-2022 resulted in a significant drop in pollution levels on some of Lambeth’s worst affected roads.

The new plan will support the stringent World Health Organisation emissions targets set out in the Lambeth Air Quality Vision last year, ensuring improving air quality is prioritised in all council areas.

The AQAP will aim to reduce levels of Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particle Matter PM2.5 and PM10 that are found in the air and can lead to serious illness or death. It is estimated air pollution kills over 100 Lambeth residents each year and leads to 750 emergency hospital admissions.

It prioritises seven actions the council can carry out improve air quality.

They include the development of an air quality information service and the new construction pilot scheme, further work with communities to reduce emissions within Low Traffic Neighbourhoods.

The council will also work towards integrating the new WHO air quality targets into the forthcoming Lambeth Local Plan, increase the number of electric vehicles in its fleet, work with businesses, institutions and others to develop a Clean Air Pledge.

It will also establish the Air Quality Forumfor people in the borough to shape future air quality policies and make sure Lambeth Council meets the new climate targets.

The AQAP builds on the Climate Action Plan (CAP), which was adopted last year, to enable Lambeth Council to become Net Zero compatible by 2030.

It also follows a range of measures that will encourage less reliance on polluting vehicles by enabling more walking, cycling, and wheeling and making neighbourhoods greener and more pleasant.

Cllr Chowdhury added: “We have worked hard to ensure significant improvements to the quality of the air we breathe in Lambeth in recent years. As a result, the concentrations of the most concerning pollutants are falling.

“Nitrogen dioxide levels on Brixton Road are now less than half of those that were recorded in 2014, and by carrying out the actions that are laid out in this Air Quality Action Plan, we expect them to continue to fall.

“By implementing this Air Quality Action Plan, we will be making the progress we need to make Lambeth a healthier, cleaner borough for everyone.”

You can sign up to the Air Quality Forum mailing listto stay up to date about Lambeth Council’s local response to the climate emergency.

Posted on 6th February 2023

by Andrew McCabe

Last chance to have your say on Lambeth's Air Quality Action Plan!

Thank you to everyone who has commented on Lambeth's Air Quality Action Plan consultation.

The website will be open for your comments for one more day! ️

Have your say on how we tackle one of the biggest health inequality challenges facing our borough

The plan is a list of actions across council departments including planning, transport, housing, public health, and public protection. It describes how we are planning to:

Reduce Pollution From Transport

Reduce Pollution From Buildings

Reduce Pollution From Construction

Reduce Pollution From Other Sources

Keep You Safe From Pollution

Monitor and Model Air Pollution

Inform and Engage The Public

After the consultation closes, we will use your views to inform the finalised plan and carry out the actions in the plan from 2023 to the end of 2025.

The consultation will close on Wednesday the 2nd of November 2022

View the action plan

For further information please contact the Climate Change and Sustainability team at

Posted on 31st October 2022

by Andrew McCabe

Have your say on Lambeth's Air Quality Action Plan

You can have your say on Lambeth's Draft Air Quality Action Plan.

We want your views on the actions we’re planning to take to tackle air pollution, to help us build a plan that responds to the issues your community faces.

The plan is a list of actions across council departments including planning, transport, housing, public health, and public protection. It describes how we are planning to:

  • Reduce Pollution From Transport
  • Reduce Pollution From Buildings
  • Reduce Pollution From Construction
  • Reduce Pollution From Other Sources
  • Keep You Safe From Pollution
  • Monitor and Model Air Pollution
  • Inform and Engage The Public
  • After the consultation closes, we will use your views to inform the finalised plan and carry out the actions in the plan from 2023 to the end of 2025.

    The consultation runs from 20th September 2022 to 1st November 2022

    View the action plan

    For further information please contact the Climate Change and Sustainability team at

    Posted on 4th October 2022

    by Andrew McCabe

    Lambeth Launches Draft Air Quality Action Plan

    We’ve launched a consultation on our Draft Air Quality Action Plan for Lambeth. We want your views on the actions we’re planning to take to tackle air pollution, to help us build a plan that responds to the issues your community faces.

    Why we need an action plan

    Air quality in Lambeth is improving, but it remains at dangerous levels for many who live and work in the borough. Lambeth has adopted an Air Quality Vision, which sets out targets for air quality, and a process for monitoring, reporting, and tackling air pollution. The Air Quality Action Plan sets out the steps we’ll take to make the vision a reality.

    We’ve drafted actions that we’ll take across the council

    The plan is a list of actions across council departments including planning, transport, housing, public health, and public protection. The plan highlights the council’s Air Quality Priorities, showing the areas we will focus on in our response to air pollution.

    After the consultation closes, we will use your views to inform the finalised plan and carry out the actions in the plan from 2023 to the end of 2025.

    The consultation runs from 20th September 2022 to 1st October 2022

    View the action plan

    For further information please contact the Climate Change and Sustainability team at

    Posted on 23rd September 2022

    by Andrew McCabe

    Invitation to online drop-in session

    Online drop-in session for Lambeth residents to have their say on our Air Quality Action Plan

    We would like to invite anyone that lives or works in the borough to our virtual drop in session to discuss air quality in Lambeth and understand what action you would like to see the council take.

    As part of our vision, the Council commits to:

    • Working towards World Health Organisation air quality target levels

    • Reviewing air quality targets every three years, adjusting to more ambitious targets where air quality data suggests targets will be exceeded/achieved earlier than planned

    • Being open and transparent with residents on progress towards those goals, publishing progress towards air quality targets every year within the Council’s Annual Status Report, and identifying barriers to meeting the targets, and steps that will be taken to overcome those barriers.

    Lambeth will be using this vision to help create the council’s next Air Quality Action Plan which will come into effect in 2023.

    The drop in session will take place on Teams on Tuesday 22 March 2022 16:30-17:30

    Register here

    Are you able to share our post to reach more residents in Lambeth? Simply click here!

    Posted on 22nd March 2022

    by Hope Carpenter